Facial Cream- Wrinkle Aging
Facial Cream, Wrinkle Aging
When we are in our 20s, our skin starts losing its ability to retain water, and the levels of oxygen in our skin goes down by twenty five percent. Thanks to our grueling, stressful lifestyles and the popularity of tanning, more and more of us are developing wrinkles while still in our 20s and are eager to find ways to fight off these early signs of aging.
Even if you are not yet plagued with wrinkles, many experts believe that the best way of fighting aging in the skin is to prevent it appearing in the first place. There are many steps we can take in our 20s that will help us to establish a lifetime of smoother, healthier skin.
The very best method of prevention is to wear sunscreen all day, every day. UV rays are the main cause of wrinkle aging, with some studies suggesting that 80% of the aging our skin undergoes happens because of exposure to UV rays. It isn’t enough to simply avoid the tanning booths (although this is an excellent first step). Use a sunscreen of SPF 30 even when you do not plan to spend extended time in the sun, as UV rays strike even on cloud days, and even small daily exposure from walking to class or waiting for a bus adds up over the years.
It is probably too early to use a hardcore anti-wrinkle cream, as the 20s are more about prevention than removal. Look for facial creams that do not contain alcohol (as this dries the skin) or fragrances and chemicals that might cause allergic reactions. Think all natural ingredients to nourish and protect the skin and the vital organs underneath it. As skin in our 20s is still prone to breakouts, look for a light, thin facial cream, and avoid anything that is thick and oily. Be sure to moisturize every day, and use cleansers and toners to keep your skin looking fresh. The use of an exfoliator every week can also help, as it will get rid of dead skin cells and stimulate collagen production to keep the skin looking young.
Diet also plays an important role in the appearance of our skin in our twenties and beyond. Foods that are rich in vitamins A, C, E and B3 reduce the aging process, so try to eat lots of berries, whole grains and dairy products, and drink green tea. This will prevent you needing to apply Vitamin A and green tea creams onto wrinkles that appear in the future.
Although we shouldn’t worry too much about the aging of our skin while in our 20s – we’re still young after all – it is the best time to get into habits that will help keep our skin looking young and fresh for years to come. Some of the damage that our skin takes, particularly damage from the sun, cannot be undone once it happens, so it is never too early to start protecting our skin.